Electronic Devices Usage Policy (Updated Sept 2023)
Students have access to school-purchased Chromebooks and iPads during the school day. Using these devices, in addition to accessing the Google Apps for Education (GAFE) learning tools, enriches our students’ overall learning experiences both in the classroom and at home. The use of personal and school technology is a privilege – students who do not follow expectations may have this privilege revoked, as well as incur further consequences. We appreciate your support as we teach appropriate use of technology. Students are always able to connect with their parents, however, we prefer that students communicate with their parents during school time using the school phone rather than personal devices. This ensures clear communication between the school and parents/guardians.
Expectations for School Devices:
- Students are responsible for taking good care of school devices
- Students will not use school or personal technology to access inappropriate material
- Students are not permitted to use school technology for personal use
- Students are not permitted to use school technology during Nutrition Breaks
Expectations for Optional Personal Devices:
- Students are permitted to use their personal electronic devices before/after school school only. If students choose to bring a device to school, the device must be kept locked in their locker or in their backpack during class times unless their teacher gives them direct instructions or permission to use it.
- Students are solely responsible for their personal devices. If a device is lost or stolen, it is not the responsibility of the school to replace it.
- Students will not use messaging apps or social media during school time
- Students will not use school or personal technology to access inappropriate material, or to engage in communication or other actions which they know, or ought to know, to be harmful or disrespectful to others
- Phones cannot be used as calculators during assessments
- Under no circumstances will a student take photos, videos or voice recordings during school unless this is for a school project and/or staff are aware and permission has been granted
Any misuse, or failure to abide by the usage policy, may result in a loss of privileges of personal and/or school issued devices
For more details regarding the WRDSB Responsible Use Procedures visit:
This policy is reviewed on a regular basis by Conestogo staff and approved by the Principal.