Dress Code
Students, staff, parents and volunteers are required to wear appropriate, comfortable, and safe clothing that is neat, clean, and in good taste. Clothing must be appropriate for all school activities (e.g., raising your hand to answer a question, bending over to pick up something from the floor, etc.).
Dress code expectations are:
- Writing or graphics on clothing must be appropriate
- Any clothing worn must be respectful towards all races, cultures, ethnicities and identities
- Undergarments must not be visible. Shorts may be necessary under skirts or dresses.
- Footwear should be worn at all times. Students are requested to have indoor and outdoor footwear.
- Outdoor boots should not to be worn in class (if possible)
- Older students are able to change into appropriate clothing during gym times (if desired)
Where a disagreement arises, staff will decide on the appropriate course of action to ensure fairness and respect for all students. These guidelines may be changed at the discretion of the Principal and are reviewed on an annual basis.