November 3rd, 2016
What a wonderful staff we have at CPS! We have the opportunity to show them how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication:
Staff Appreciation Lunch
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Please consider contributing:
- Cold Salad
- Hot Soup, Stew or Chili
IMPORTANT FOOD ALLERGY ALERT: Due to some extreme food allergies, NO CARROTS, PEANUTS or BANANAS please. Thanks.
To sign up, please email Shawna Gingrich at
- Please deliver your items by 10:00am.
- Hot items must be delivered in a crock pot or other warmer.
- Please collect your empty dishes at end-of-day (either immediately after school or when you attend Parent-Teacher interviews).
Thank you for your time and help to make CPS even better!
CPS School Council
(Interested in volunteering? Also see our HELP WANTED: Volunteer Opportunities & Open Positions Council page!)
Categories: School Council