Conestogo PS offers a weekly lunch program on Wednesdays as well as a monthly pizza day designed to help lesson the strain associated with feeding your hungry kids!


All lunch items can be ordered online at

  •  Wednesdays: Lunch Lady (orders due by Tuesday @8am)

Order Online at The Lunch Lady

*In our efforts to be a more environmentally conscious school, we are requesting that students bring their own cutlery from home. Cutlery will not be supplied with the lunches unless it is purchased separately.


Once a month (on a Tuesday) CPS has a school pizza day.

We offer students two choices of toppings:

  • Cheese (halal certified)
  • Pepperoni (halal certified)

Ordering and payment is completed on School Day and families can order ahead of time for each Term.

Term 1- October-January (4 pizza dates)

Term 2- February-May (4 pizza dates)