Kindergarten Registration February 10 – 14

We are excited to register your child for Kindergarten! You can register your Junior Kindergarten (JK) or new-to-school Senior Kindergarten (SK) students from Monday, February 10 until Friday, February 14, 2014, during regular school office hours. If you have a child born in 2010, he/she is eligible to start JK in September 2014. Students born […]

PD Day – January 17

Friday, January 17 is a PD for all Elementary schools.  Teachers will be working on assessment and evaluation as they prepare the Term One Report Card.  Term One reports will be sent home on Monday, February 10.

Welcome to 2014

We are looking forward to a great second half of our school year.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!

On behalf of the Conestogo Public School staff, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday! We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday, January 6, 2014.  

Help for the Philippines – Because We Care

In recent weeks people around the world have been united in sadness over the tragic events resulting from typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.  A “Help for the Philippines – Because We Care” board-wide fund-raising initiative has been developed. Parents, students and staff members who have not yet donated to the cause may consider donating through […]

December Colts News Published Today

Check out the latest Colts News in the Parent Resources section. Items include: Humane Society Visit, Cookie Dough Fundraiser, Christmas Concert news and more.

Woolwich Community Holiday Events

WMC Holidays_13-14_four Ringette Learn to Skate January 2014  

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

This week is devoted to increasing the awareness and prevention of bullying and harassing behaviour. Check out the following websites for resources to address bullying: Bullying Awareness Week Bullying Prevention Whole School Approach – Ministry Resource Promoting a Positive and Inclusive School Climate        

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